Thursday, May 2, 2013

karnataka election and rahul campighn v/s modi

yes karnataka election attracted for the first time the rahul's election campighn, yes people of karnataka likes ghandhi family, voters of karnataka definitly will not cosider the cm candidate is because of congress only people opt for the congress party. though in the midst of cofusion and misunderstanding among the congress leaders the election campighn of rahul ghandghi make it cordinal and clear .
aicc president also makes out the point that the bjp govt looted the karnataka and deviated the lawful way. voters are confused in this critical position though the results of may 5 th will change the fate of the congress and bjp for next 2014 lokh sabha elections.
one thing certain the election camphign in karnataka led by rahul will yield major effects in the minds of people, local leaders or regional leaders in karnataka will not influence among the voters . it is just because of  indira congress people